ADM Consulting Service

Skill Development Training

Skill Development Training

Skill Development Initiatives for better economies and for better societies, it aims to promote skill development by catalyzing creation of large, quality, for-profit vocational institutions with Non-Profile motto. It is advisory to build scalable, for-profit vocational training initiatives. Its mandate is also to enable support systems such as quality assurance, information systems and train the trainer academies either directly or through partnerships.

Skill Force

India is drastically developing both scientifically as well as technologically. The young India is technology savvy, knowledgeable, ambitious, progressive. However we have a very large young population who are unemployed. About 63% of the students drop out at different stages due to financial or personal issues before reaching the Class X. A majority of Indian Youth do not possess marketable skills which are an impediment in getting decent employment and improving economic condition of them. Economic growth require not just a large working population, but people who are trained and skilled to work in different industries.

India will have a surplus of 47 million people in the working age group by 2020 vs. a shortage of 56 million in the rest of the world Great opportunity for India to tap international labour markets in the next decade

We are empanelled with Government & Private organizations i.e. Rajiv Udyog sree, MEPMA & Eduguru etc…..

Organisation Network

ADM is a Professional in India that facilitates skill development. A large part of its efforts are directed at skill development programmes in the unorganised sector.

ADM acts as a catalyst in skill development by providing skill resources to enterprises, companies and organisations that provide skill training. It will also develop appropriate models to enhance, support and coordinate private sector initiatives.

The differentiated focus for the 21 sectors under ADM’s purview and its understanding of their viability will make every sector attractive to private investment.

The ADM provides services for the following sectors in India:

  • Automobile / autocomponents
  • Electronics hardware
  • Textiles and garments
  • Leather and leather goods
  • Chemicals and pharmaceuticals
  • Gems and jewellery
  • Building and construction
  • Food processing
  • Handlooms and handicrafts
  • Building hardware and home furnishings
  • IT or software
  • Tourism, hospitality and travel
  • Transportation/ logistics/ warehousing and packaging
  • Organised retail
  • Real estate
  • Media, entertainment, broadcasting, content creation, animation
  • Healthcare
  • Banking/ insurance and finance
  • Education/ skill development
  • Unorganised sector
  • Telecom sectors
  • Retail

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