Oracle Sql pl sql online training in hyderabad
Oracle Sql pl sql online training in hyderabad
- Fundamentals of Database
- Introduction to Database
- Database Models
- Introduction to Oracle Database
- Oracle Database History
- Oracle 11g Server and DB Architecture
The Oracle database environment
Ø Reviewing basic architecture concepts, Oracle 11g Architecture Basic SQL*PLUS commands Ø Using script files, START, @, GET , SAVE, LIST, PROMPT, PAUSE, ACCEPT, DEFINE, SPOOL Basic SELECT Statement Ø Writing the statement in sqlplus, Running the SELECT statement Ordering the output Ø Single Column, Descending order, Multiple column sort Conditional retrieval of data Ø Working with complex conditions, AND OR NOT LIKE BETWEEN Working with variables Ø Creating and using variables, Command substitution Pseudo columns and functions Ø Pseudo Columns, Rownum, Sysdate, User & UID, the Dual Table Ø Working with character functions Ø working with date functions Using non-character function Ø ROUND(), TRUNC(), SIGN(), Working with multiple tables, Different type of Joins, Writing Outer Joins Using the SET operators Ø Union, Intersect, Minus Aggregating data using group functions Creating Subqueries Ø Single Row subqueries, Multiple row Subqueries Enhancing groups function Ø ROLLUP, CUBE Transaction Control Language Ø Rollback, Commit, Savepoint Processing hierarchies Ø Creating the Tree structure, LEVEL, CONNECT BY Data Manipulation Language Ø INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Data Definition Language Ø CREATE, TRUNCATE, ALTER, DROP, RENAME, DESCRIBE Using Declarative Constraints Ø Not Null Constraint, Check Constraint, Unique Constraint, Primary Key Constraint, References Constraint,l Other Database Objects Ø Views, Sequences, Synonyms, Indexes, USER_TABLES, USER_TAB_COLUMNS, USER_OBJECTS, USER_IND_COLUMNS, USER_UPDATEABLE_COLUMNS, Materialized Views, Other Data dictionary views Ø Object Privileges, Granting access to objects Improving query performance Ø Planning and managing the tuning process, Employing tuning tools, Running EXPLAIN PLAN and autotrace, PL/SQL Course Content (15 hrs 10 sessions) Ø Structure, Writing Anoyomous Blocks Variables Ø Oracle Datatypes, TYPE and ROWTYPE declarations, Value assignments Control structures Ø IF ELSE ENDIF statement, IF ELSIF ELSE ENDIF statement, LOOP END , LOOP statement, WHILE condition Cursors Ø Implicit and Explicit Cursors, Cursor Manipulation statements, OPEN FETCH CLOSE EXIT WHEN Error Handling Ø Predefined Exceptions, Non-Predefined Excecptions, User Defined Exceptions Printing Values to Screen Procedures Ø Creating and Calling Procedures Functions Ø Creating and Calling Functions Packages Ø Package Header, Package Body Design Tips and Techniques Ø Format of standard packages in an application, Spec and Body, NOCOPY hint Triggers Ø Database triggers, CALLing procedures from triggers Dynamic SQL Ø EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, DBMS_SQL package Oracle Supplied packages Ø DBMS_OUTPUT, UTL_FILE Collection datatypes Ø Associative Arrays, Nested tables, VARRAYs |