Data Science with Selenium Training
Data Science with Selenium Training
- Introduction to SOFTWARE TESTING
- Testing methods
- Manual Testing
- Automation Testing
- Roles and Responsibilities of Test Engineer
- Introduction to SOFTWARE
- Software Development Life cycle(SDLC)
- Quality Assurance, and Quality Control
- Software Development Life cycle(SDLC) Methodologies
- Waterfall model
- V-model
- Agile
- Protype
- Spiral/Evolutionary
- Rapid application development model
- Testing Methodologies
- Black-Box Testing
- White-Box Testing
- Grey-Box Testing
- Testing levels in SDLC
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing .
- System Testing
- User Acceptance Testing(UAT/AT)
- Some other Testing Techniques are
- Re-Testing
- Regression Testing
- Smoke Testing
- Sanity Testing
- Ad-hoc Testing
- Software Testing Life cycle(STLC)
- Test Plan Documentation
- Test Case Design
- What Is Test Case
- Use case
- Test Scenario
- TC Design techniques
- Types of TC
- Example of TC
- TC Template
- Review of TC using RTM
- Test execution process
- Defect submission process
- Defect template
- Bug life cycle
- Test closer Activity
- Introduction to JAVA
- Installation of Eclipse IDE
- Language Fundamentals
- History & Features of JAVA
- Class,Method,Object
- Data types and Variables
- Conditional and Loops statement
- IF,If else,else ifand nested if
- Switch statement
- While ,Do-while, For
- Arrays& keywords
- Break and continue
- Reading values from keyboard
- Scanner
- Pre-def methods
- Constructor
- Inheritance
- Exception Handling
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
What are the prerequisites?
- Knowledge on Manual Testing Concepts
- Basic knowledge of Programming Language Core Java(Java basics and Object Oriented Programming OOPs)
- What is Automation Testing – Advantages & Types of Tools
- What is Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid?
- Selenium WebDriver Architecture
- Selenium Installation
- Challenges and Limitations of Selenium
- Locators in Selenium
- First Selenium WebDriver Script
- Working with Firefox Browser
- Working with Chrome Browser
- Mouse Hover event in Selenium
- Handle drop-downs
- How to work with file upload
- Handle Alerts & Popups
- Handle Multiple Windows
- Capture Screenshots in Selenium
- Implicit Wait, Explicit Wait and Fluent Wait in Selenium
- Implicit Waits
- Explicit WebDriver Waits
- Fluent Wait In Selenium
- Apache POI
- How To Read Data From Excel File
- How To Write Data In Excel File
- Database Testing Using DB2
- Handling JavaScript in Selenium
MODULE 4 Frameworks Design and implementation
- Extent Reports Introduction
- Extent Reports Generation
- Capturing Screenshots & Including In Extent Reports
Data Science with Selenium Training