Core Java Professional Training
Core Java Professional Training
Personal having user-level experience with any computer programming language and basics.
JAVA SE – Standard Edition
- : Introduction and Language fundamentals
- Introduction
- The Java Virtual Machine
- Writing a Java Program
- Primitive Data Types
- Control flow, Selection and Transfer Statements
- Operators
- Casts and Conversions
- Defining New Data Types
- Constructors
- The String Class
- String Literals
- The String Buffer Class
- The import Statement
- : Methods, Arrays, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance & Polymorphism
- Introduction
- Method Signatures
- Method Overloading
- Static Methods and variables
- Processing Arrays
- Copying Arrays
- Arrays of Objects
- Constructors
- The this Reference
- Abstraction
- public and private Members
- Access Levels
- Composition
- The Object Class
- Method Overriding
- Inheritance
- Abstract Classes with example
- Interfaces with example
- : Exceptions and Java IO
- Introduction
- Exception Handling with example
- The Exception Hierarchy
- Checked Exceptions and unchecked Exceptions
- Advertising Exceptions with throws
- Developing Your Own Exception Classes
- The File Class
- Standard Streams
- Keyboard Input
- File I/O Using Byte Streams
- Character Streams
- File I/O Using Character Streams
- Buffered Streams
- File I/O Using a Buffered Stream
- Keyboard Input Using a Buffered Stream
- Writing Text Files
- : Multi-threading and Collection Framework
- Threads vs. Processes
- Creating Threads by Extending Thread
- Creating Threads by Implementing Runnable
- Advantages of Using Threads
- Daemon Threads
- Thread States
- Thread Problems
- Synchronization
- Arrays and Collection framework
- Collection Framework Hierarchy
- List
- Cursors
- : Multi-threading and Collection Framework
- Vector and Set
- Generics
- Properties
- Maps
- HashTable
- The Collections Class
- Introduction to SQL
DAY 7: Assessment
- Written test and an interview to access the skills.