Austria Join the showcase Google News 2021
Austria Join the showcase Google News 2021
Austria Joins the showcase Google News 2021 More than 800 news outlets across the world have joined Austria’s national, municipal and regional news organisations by signing up for the Google News Showcase.
Google News Showcase started in late 2020 and provides new opportunities to editors who register for the licencing programme.
And what’s the greatest part?
The programme is a means to pay publishers for their digital material. Australia and Google and France and Google were disputed about compensation for the online presentation of publishers’ contents.
Brad Bender, VP, Product Management at Google, News, said in an announcement about the launch on 25 June 2020, that “this programme will help participating editors to monetize their content through an enhanced storytelling experience that lets individuals deepen their knowledge and understanding of more complex stories, and expose themselves to a world of different concerns and interests.
When the Google News Showcase was established, Brazilian, German and Australian publications were signed up.
This list now includes publications from India, Canada, Italy, France, Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Japan, Argentina and more. More than 90 percent of those already registered represent community, regional or local news organisations.
What is Austrian publications about joining the Google News Showcase thinking?
Austria is the newest country in a long line which has signed up and published its material in the Google News Showcase.
“We want to make our digital goods even more readers thrilled and persuade them of our local reporting on a long-term basis.”
Hermann Petz, CEO Tiroler Tageszeitung also stated: “Experience indicates that regional daily newspapers still have a strong potential to acquire digital readers on occasion and to turn them into ordinary readers…
We view Google News as a chance to broaden and monetize this ‘widest reading circle.'”
Google News Showcase Benefits for Publishers
Google pays for user access when newspapers post their material behind a paywall, so tales reach more publics who have previously been hesitant to pay for their content.
Publications may tailor the look of their material through newsletters.
- Key facts in list format panels may include:
- Significant day tales • Schedules
- Articles related
This makes it digestible and easy for readers to browse news items and acquire more information. The programme also allows publishers to control their voice and brand over other Google products. Google News Readers may link and track certain publishers and the panels function as a bridge to the websites of publishers, potentially increasing traffic and subscriptions. According to the Google statement, the publishers may ‘enhance their ties with the readers’ by sending people to the publications’ website.
Austria Join the showcase Google News 2021